The heart behind LogiNext's Route Planning- Sahil Dhakad on WeAreLogiNext

Meet The Heart Behind LogiNext’s Route Planning- Sahil Dhakad on WeAreLogiNext

This article is a part of the #WeAreLogiNext series of articles where we focus on people’s journeys that power the company.


As the need for engineers to adapt to modern technology rises, there are those that not only evolve but also carve their unique paths. Sahil Dhakad is one such individual, whose journey from a Junior Software Engineer to a Principal Backend Engineer at LogiNext is marked by resilience, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous self-improvement. In the exclusive interview, we delve into Sahil’s early days as a tech enthusiast, to now seizing opportunities to unlock new potential. But it’s not all code and algorithms for Sahil, we explore his creative side as well. Here’s bringing the story of Sahil to light.


LN: Hey Sahil, thanks for joining us today, kindly introduce yourself to our lovely LogiNext family.


SD: Hello, I’m Sahil Dhakad. Many of you may have had the pleasure of meeting or knowing me, but for those who haven’t had that opportunity, I’m currently serving as a Principal Backend Engineer at LogiNext, and I’m approaching my fifth year with the company. It’s been a privilege to work on the technology that powers the incredible product we’ve all come to appreciate. I’ve had a small hand in contributing to our excellent product, and it’s been a truly rewarding experience.


Sahil Dhakad on WeAreLogiNext


LN: Can you elaborate a bit more on life before LogiNext?


SD: Let’s kick things off with an interesting tidbit about my background. I hail from an Electronics and Telecommunication (EXTC) background. The twist in this tale is that, after my first year of engineering, I already had a grasp of basic programming languages like Java and C. It didn’t take long for me to realize that EXTC wasn’t the path I wanted to follow. Radio signaling and communications just didn’t resonate with me; my heart was set on IT and coding. However, there was a small hitch— I had formed some remarkable friendships during my initial engineering journey.


Believe it or not, these friendships were the sole reason I didn’t make an immediate switch back to IT. I decided to stick around and see where life would take me. With my sights firmly set on an IT career, I began applying for jobs. Luckily, I landed a position at a startup, which happened to be a services company. This experience proved invaluable as it provided me with insights into tackling real-world problems and understanding the inner workings of service-oriented businesses. I was fortunate to have a mentor, Srikant Panthankar, who I still maintain contact with. With his impressive 25 years of experience, he guided me through the initial days of the journey.


With his help, I deepened my understanding of Java and other facets of the IT world. A couple of years down the line, I found my way to LogiNext.


LN: What are the different roles that you have undertaken at LogiNext?


SD: My journey began as a Junior Software Engineer, and over time, I’ve grown into the role of a Principal Engineer. Along the way, my job title has evolved, but I’ve also taken on various other responsibilities. To start, I’ve been a core backend engineer, ensuring the foundation of our technology is robust. At one point, I contributed to our DevOps team, lending a hand with their activities. I’ve also ventured into the realm of database administration, handling tasks such as query optimizations and assisting with database migrations.


Sahil Dhakad with LogiNext team on WeAreLogiNext


Moreover, I’m recognized for my expertise in planning. I also have the role of an interviewer during our hiring processes. I’ve embraced the role of a mentor, guiding and supporting my colleagues, while also actively developing my project management skills. These diverse roles have shaped my journey here at the company.


LN: From these multiple roles, which role was the most preferred or the one you loved working?


SD: Naturally, I’ve always been an integral part of the backend engineering team, a choice I made right after my first year of engineering. My passion lies in problem-solving, particularly tackling complex and real-world enterprise issues. It’s not just a job for me; it’s the core of my professional identity.


Being a mentor is also remarkably gratifying. I find great satisfaction in sharing the knowledge and experience I’ve gained over the years with my peers and juniors. This way, I can help them on their journeys and contribute to our collective growth.


LN: Changing from a service company to a SaaS startup, what were the challenges that you faced during the shift?


SD: In my previous role at a services company, we encountered a significant challenge: The ever-changing client requirements. There was a lack of a clear, stable vision for the product’s development. While I was gaining valuable technical expertise, the absence of a concrete product vision prompted me to set my sights on a product-oriented company.


I went on to explore various opportunities, even interviewing with renowned multinational corporations. However, when I came across LogiNext, something just clicked. It perfectly aligned with the kind of work I had been seeking. At the time, my career was still in its early stages, having just taken off, and LogiNext, as a relatively young company, offered a unique chance for me to contribute significantly. I saw it as an opportunity to learn and make a substantial impact, unlike established firms where everything was already set in stone.


Additionally, LogiNext’s domain in logistics intrigued me. While I hadn’t previously worked in this field, I was confident that the tech solutions I could provide would be instrumental in solving the complex problems inherent to the logistics industry. Joining a startup meant I could learn, earn, and grow at an exponential rate, which was an enticing prospect.


When I first joined LogiNext, I had the feeling that I had learned everything I had to know. However, the product itself was incredibly vast and complex, posing a formidable challenge to master. To truly grasp it, one must delve deep into its core.


One of the most beautiful challenges I encountered was in the realm of route planning. It was an intricate puzzle that I’ve since learned to solve, and this knowledge has brought me a deep sense of satisfaction. Understanding and conquering these challenges have been pivotal in my experience at LogiNext.


LN: If there is a person that you will say has mainly molded you or impacted you to make you the person you are today, who would it be?


SD: From the very beginning, I’ve had the privilege of guidance from a mentor who played a pivotal role in shaping my professional character – Srikant Panthankar. He instilled in me the importance of behavior, effective communication, and many other critical skills, especially problem-solving.


Moreover, during my journey at LogiNext, it’s difficult to single out one individual because I’ve gained valuable insights from a diverse range of colleagues. Whether it’s Dhruvil or our junior team members, each person I’ve had the opportunity to work with has imparted unique knowledge. Having been part of the team for an extended period, I’ve come to appreciate that every individual, skill, and position brings a distinctive perspective, enriching my growth and understanding of the field.


LN: And since you should have been in the system for so long, what are the certain tips that you can provide new joiners joining the back-end engineering team?


SD: One fundamental piece of advice for newcomers is to embrace the basics. Keep things simple. It may sound straightforward, but it’s a principle that holds true in every endeavor. Without a solid grasp of your foundational knowledge, you’ll find it challenging to progress. Attempting to leap ahead without first establishing a strong core understanding can lead to confusion, repeated errors, and setbacks. However, once you’ve mastered the basics and honed your core logic, everything flows more smoothly and effortlessly.


Secondly, continuous self-improvement is essential. This principle is also at the heart of LogiNext’s beliefs. With numerous opportunities within the company, I’ve had the chance to realize that potential often exceeds our expectations. Embrace these opportunities, as they can lead to tremendous personal and professional growth. Sometimes, you’ll discover that your capabilities far surpass your initial estimations.


LogiNext is often described as fast-paced and aggressive, but it is also process-driven and committed to maintaining high-quality standards. Over the years, I’ve witnessed the remarkable growth and transformation of our product. The stability and quality we’ve achieved are a testament to the ambitious vision of our CEO and the company’s commitment to long-term goals. Our journey is not short-term; it’s driven by a grand vision that extends far into the future.


LN: What are your best memories at LogiNext?


SD: One memory that stands out for me is the moment I was tasked with giving a product demonstration of my very first feature. I remember the applause and positive feedback I received, even from Dhruvil, after my presentation. It might not have been a significant event for everyone, but for me, it was one of the most memorable and rewarding experiences.



Additionally, I can’t forget my first international trip to Greece. It was a remarkable experience, especially since it included client visits. From visiting local SME clients with small-scale operations to traveling to Australia to meet our enterprise clients, I witnessed a remarkable evolution in the company’s scale and reach.



I also have a vivid memory of our Shark Tank pitch, where I had the opportunity to deliver an elevator pitch. This was a defining moment in my journey here at LogiNext. And, of course, there are the enjoyable parties and gatherings that have created some unforgettable moments and connections along the way.


LN: So tell us about your hobbies and interests


SD: One of my passions is dancing, although I don’t always mention it because it tends to result in impromptu dance requests. It’s a hobby I enjoy. Another creative outlet I have is sketching, which I find quite fulfilling.


LN: So are you a book person or a movie person?


SD: My choice of entertainment largely depends on my mood, with movies being a significant preference. I find that visuals and cinematic experiences allow me to immerse myself more fully. I do read books as well, primarily those related to the finance and FinTech domains. I have a particular interest in understanding the psychology of money, which is why books like “Rich Dad Poor Dad” resonate with me.


As for movies, my favorites can vary depending on my mood. However, I’m always up for a psychological thriller, no matter the mood. Films like “Shutter Island” and “The Sixth Sense” are among my top picks in this genre.


LN: If you had a superpower, what would it be?


SD: I often find myself yearning for the ability to teleport, escaping the hassles of traffic and other inconveniences, and having the freedom to travel at will, anytime, and to any place of my choosing.


Stay tuned to read more stories about those taking LogiNext to the next level.


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