Big Guns are Shooting Heavy This Festive Season

With the festive season on, all the big guns — ‘the e-commerce maestro’s’ are geared up to disrupt the e-tailing arena. Offer’s everywhere, big billion sales by Flipkart to great Indian sale by Amazon and further un-boxing diwali with Snapdeal, it’s a paradise for online shoppers. However, this is more of a hell bound journey for these big players when it comes down to customer deliverables. Logistics management, mainly the last mile deliveries and reverse pick-ups are the most critical area of concentration. This undoubtedly defines the future sustainability of almost all these e-tailing brands.

What’s the Differentiator for the Big Guys?

The customer loyalty for these e-tailers is of major concern. Why? When you browse through a plethora of offers on these platforms, you will see all the vendors offering great deals with amazing value for money. Think from the customer’s shoes, they are stuck in a jeopardize situation. What is the most important thing which will define the conversion of a cynical customer to a loyal returning one? Well, apart from amazingly lucrative deals, below are 5 important factors which will drive the customer’s towards completing the sale and make them loyal to the brand.

1- Brand Value

2- After Sales Service

3- On-time Delivery

4- Easy Return & Refund Policy

5- Awesome Customer Service

We often see roadside vendors conning their customers with cheap duplicate products. Even though the prices are dirt cheap, a very few fall for these cheap tricks and most of the customers will not become their prey. Hence we need to understand that low price tag is not always the best way to sell a product and will never suffice in defining the customer life time value. An ineffective customer service, after sales service, is as good as duping the customers like those road ride vendors do.

When it comes to online retailers, buyers are always skeptical about the quality of the product, authenticity and a lot other things. After all, the customers are humans, and trying before buying is the main differentiator here.

So, How are The Big E-tailers Doing It?

For the E-tailers, technology becomes the big factor in diminishing the gap between customer expectation and reality. The big e-tailers have been constantly upgrading their field workforce, inter and intra-city logistics, last mile delivery, reverse logistics, point of sale and much more to set the standards. How are they doing it? By integrating enterprise logistics management solutions offered by prominent technology leaders like LogiNext.

How is LogiNext Empowering the Top E-tailers?

“It’s not about how sophisticated the product is, it’s about how swiftly it can simplify and streamline the logistics management process. Extra sophistication may at times lead to low user acceptability” — Dhruvil Sanghvi, CEO, LogiNext.

LogiNext offers a comprehensive range of award winning product portfolio, to cater to each leg of logistics. With such enhanced technology integration, companies can expect amazing results like saving fuel costs, manpower costs, delivery scheduling, delivery route planning and optimization, real-time shipment tracking, point of sale systems, customer service, field workforce management & optimization and so much more.

Recommended Read: LogiNext Shines In E-Commerce Festival Heavy Season

Narrowing down to specific products, LogiNext has been successfully integrating the SaaS based solutions Mile and Haul, which caters to the major pain areas of online retailers. With the help of these technology upgradation e-tailers can now-

  • Plan and optimize routes and capacity for all distribution models including Single Pick Up-Multiple-drops and Multiple Pick Ups-Multiple Drops Algorithms
  • Algorithm considers the highest number of parameters including resource capacity, location of receiving customers, time preferences, traffic and weather conditions
  • Real-time re-routing and updating Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) based on change in conditions
  • Visually compare planned route against the actual route followed on a map interface and easily identify the bottlenecks

Finally, What Can the Consumers Expect from These Tech Empowered E-tailers?

How can we not discuss on what’s in it for the end consumers! The consumers are the core atoms designing the future molecular structure of the retail and e-tail industry. All e-tailers are fighting hard to retain their customers. All the tech upgradation and service delivery models are planned to achieve optimal customer satisfaction.

What are the actual benefits for customers from these tech adaptations by e-tailers?

  • The customers now have complete visibility of their shipment/package ETA, ETA previously was defined by the date of arrival, however now the customers will know the exact time window, ex: the package will arrive between 2pm-4pm on xx/xx/xxxx.
  • Customers can now schedule their delivery time and location as and when suitable for them, this is a highly lucrative deal, as we all love customization, scheduling the package arrival time and delivery location with respect to our personal commitments is like a bliss.
  • Adding that personal touch — You know the delivery guy and he knows you, the customers will receive information about the delivery boy who will be delivering the package and vice-versa. The delivery boys will not bother you by calling each time to confirm address and time of delivery. The customer’s address will be geo-tagged on the first delivery itself.

We have seen the contending E-tailers, their offers and now we know their technology, let’s see who makes it out of this arena as a true winner.

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