Advanced Route Planning For Smoother Deliveries

4 Ways LogiNext Offers Ultimate Way to Achieve Smoother Deliveries with Advanced Route Planning

CEP, F&B, Retail, or eCommerce, one thing that stays common for every industry is the need for a fulfilling logistics system. While the market is full of various options for focusing on smoother deliveries, it becomes essential for enterprises to choose the ones that fit their needs and demands perfectly. One of those major factors is the fleet route planning capability of any logistics management software.

Why do Enterprises Need to Focus on Route Planning?

While it sounds like finding the best and most feasible routes for making successful deliveries, route planning is way beyond that with multiple advance requirements that one should fulfill. While the scale of operations for various industries is different and huge, it might consist of all-mile, middle-mile, first-mile, and last-mile scenarios. With 1000s of orders, a single warehouse, multiple delivery locations, a variety of vehicles, and customers with a certain set of expectations, delivery route software helps streamline every time to offer a seamless delivery experience.

How does Route Planning Help Enhance Operations

Why Choose LogiNext as your fleet Route Planning Partner?

Optimize Fleet Capacity: With a number of fleet options available, there can be confusion in multiple ways where optimization occurs for fleet utilization. LogiNext helps ensure all the orders are completed with maximum fleet efficiency. This will ensure the least number of delivery associates/ vehicles are used to complete the orders. Logistics management software becomes a major contributor in determining fixed and variable costs associated with delivery associates or vehicles.

Optimize Time and Deliveries: Depending on the nature of deliveries, it becomes essential to optimize them depending on crucial factors like time. With an ideal route planning system, one can optimize orders based on the time and distance. While the delivery time requirement for a pizza and a textile raw material truck will be different, this feature helps in various scenarios.

Balanced Allocation: LogiNext’s balanced allocation functionality offers the liberty to assign orders with equal focus on trip time or capacity. It helps enterprises assign orders based on total planned time for delivery associate to complete the orders based on capacity. This refers to the total time or units or weight or volume of orders per trip.

Sequence Milestones: The dispatchers can optimize the sequence for orders assigning to delivery associates. The delivery associate capacity and delivery time window are the only constraints for the logistics management software. One can also choose to manually enter the route plan while overriding the present data.

Overall, the driver and fleet efficiency gets better while focusing on these 4 major factors. This includes time, distance, and delivery type for making more informed decisions. The smarter planning for optimization based on automation with fleet route planning software helps in efficiently utilizing money, time, and resources. Let’s take a deeper look at the benefits offered.

Top Benefits of Planning Routes:

Cost Efficiency: Saving cost is the biggest benefit for enterprises which includes major costs such as fuel consumption as shorter routes are identified conveniently through the system.  

Best Route Identification: With 1000s of deliveries happening every hour for several locations, identification of the best route becomes essential to save time and money along with making faster deliveries possible.  

Identification of Inefficient Routes: Along with identifying the suitable routes for deliveries, LogiNext’s route planning software also helps in finding out the inefficient routes that can be a good reference for future trips as well.

Automation for Route Generation: As the number of deliveries rises, the necessity of automation becomes mandatory for precise route generation for faster and more efficient deliveries which LogiNext does for you smoothly.

Are you still wondering how to optimize your deliveries with efficient route planning? Let LogiNext be your partner and not just automate your fleet route planning but also offer convenience along the way with streamlined operations and end-to-end visibility of everything that is happening. Hit the red button and our team of experts will help you in the best possible way!



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